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How Can I Tell if My Loved One May Need Memory Care?

It can be difficult to identify when living alone at home may no longer be the best option. One effective method for identifying individuals who may be in the early stages of dementia is to assess for any changes in their abilities that scientists have labeled Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADLS), the more complex skills that are required to function independently at home.

Please provide some information about yourself.

    Please rate whether you feel your loved one maintains ability to perform the following specified tasks and one of our dementia care specialists will contact you to discuss the results.

    Managing Finances*

    Pays bills on time, handles taxes (doing themselves or gathering papers) handles credit card accounts, makes good financial decisions

    Handling Transportation*

    If drives, can find their way with a map or phone. If uses public transportation, can get to location independently

    Managing Medications*

    Obtains refills, takes medications correctly and independently or by using any medication management system

    Housework/Cleaning/Home Maintenance*

    Maintains clothes and home in clean condition and good repair


    Shops for groceries, can follow a recipe, can prepare a meal, appropriate storage of food

    *If you answered No to any of the above questions, then it is time for further evaluation.

    Please be aware that by submitting this request you consent to receiving email and phone communications from our company about our services.